Build Hope with Every Block:

Help Raise $10,000 for Casa de Los Angeles

Your Gift Today Builds a Safer Tomorrow for At-Risk Children

Join Us in a Crucial Mission

At Casa de Los Angeles, we’re on a mission to raise $10,000 by December 31st to construct a vital South wall for the second story of our facility. This isn’t just any wall; it’s a foundation for safety and stability, serving as a retaining wall to protect our property from road erosion.

Why This Wall Matters

The South wall is more than a structure; it’s a safeguard for the children and families who rely on us. Without it, the erosive forces of nature threaten to compromise not only our facility but also our mission to provide a nurturing haven for at-risk children in Rosarito, Mexico.

Double Your Impact: $7,000 Matching Gift Available

Exciting news! A generous donor has pledged to match your donations, dollar for dollar, up to $7,000. This means your gift has double the impact, bringing us closer to our goal twice as fast. Donate now and be a part of this incredible opportunity to amplify your contribution.

Securing Our Foundation

Primary Goal: $10,000 for the Essential South Wall

Our primary objective is clear and pressing: to raise $10,000 by December 31st. This essential funding will be dedicated to building the South wall of our second-story facility at Casa de Los Angeles. More than just a construction project, this wall is a critical component for preventing road erosion and ensuring the safety of our site. It’s a vital step in our ongoing mission to provide a secure, loving environment for at-risk children and families in Rosarito, Mexico. Your contribution towards this goal lays the cornerstone of our effort to protect and nurture those who call CDLA their safe haven.

Dreaming Beyond Boundaries

Stretch Goal: $35,000 to Complete the 2nd-Story Structure

While our immediate focus is on safeguarding our facility with the South wall, we dream of achieving even more. With your continued support, we can reach our stretch goal of $35,000. This additional funding will allow us to complete the entire block wall surrounding the second story. Achieving this goal means expanding our capabilities and enhancing the overall safety and functionality of our space, allowing us to serve our community more effectively. Your support in reaching this stretch goal will enable us to fully realize our vision for Casa de Los Angeles.

Make a Difference Today

Your support is crucial. Every block you fund brings us one step closer to our goal, one step closer to a safer, more secure future for those in our care. Click below to donate and be a part of this transformative journey.

Gratitude for Your Generosity

We are immensely grateful for your support. Your generosity not only builds walls but also builds hope, community, and a brighter future for the children and families of Casa de Los Angeles.


Colonia Lomas Altas I. Del Municipio de Playas de Rosarito, Baja California


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Casa de Los Angeles
Building a Home for Tomorrow’s Leaders. Your Ground Floor Opportunity to Show God’s Love Today.

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