We’re excited to invite you to a special opportunity to serve and strengthen our community at Casa de Los Angeles (CDLA) in Rosarito, Mexico. On Saturday, September 7th, we are organizing a mission trip focused on a crucial task: waterproofing and insulating the new roadside wall that protects our growing facility.

Why is this important? This wall is vital for safeguarding the structural integrity of CDLA against the elements, ensuring that we can continue to provide a safe and welcoming space for those in need. Your help will have a lasting impact, preparing our home to withstand the rainy season and beyond.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Work alongside fellow supporters in a hands-on project crucial for CDLA.
  • Enjoy a special fellowship dinner provided by Pastor Aurelio’s church, which will give us a wonderful opportunity to connect with the local community.
  • Optional overnight stay at the nearby Connections mission house, run by our board member Ron Struska, with a return home on Sunday morning after a time of prayer and reflection.

This trip is not only a chance to contribute physically but also to grow spiritually and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference.

Participation details:

  • Open to anyone aged 17 or older (youth under 17 must be accompanied by a guardian).
  • A nominal donation of $75 per overnight guest or $50 for day participants is requested to cover housing, food, gas, and vehicle insurance. Scholarships are available upon request.
  • There are a limited number of carpool spots available, or we will work out a caravan to the site.

We believe in the power of our community to fill gaps and build futures. Will you join us in this mission? Please click here to sign up or learn more about how you can help. Spots are limited, and we want to make sure you have a place on this transformative journey.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a real difference. Your involvement means the world to us and to those we serve at CDLA.